Saturday, May 10, 2014

Wolf River - Fremont - Trip 2

 Launched at Red Banks Resort at 7:30 am.  Air temp was 60 degrees by mid day and the water temp on the surface was 54 degrees.

Wind was from the west/southwest at about 20 MPH.

Tim ended up catching his first walleyes in recent memory.
 Went to the Wolf River with the intention of catching some white bass...and we did...but they were all small males.

While the river was full of fishermen, no one seemed to be fishing walleyes.  Their loss.  We ended with a three man limit of walleyes by 2:30 PM.

This day was a lesson on the importance of color choice.  My dad had his limit of walleyes before I caught my second one and before my brother caught his first.  The difference, he was using a red/orange jig with a half crawler while we had chartreuse.  Once we admitted that dad's homemade jigs made the difference, we began catching walleyes immediately.

My surprise of the day was hooking into this sturgeon.  I played it for about 15 minutes and got some nice pictures and video of it jumping.  Didn't try to play it into the boat though...I still might be fighting it on my 6lb fluorocarbon line.

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