Thursday, May 29, 2014

Fishing with Kids

A mini double header!
Water temp = 73 degrees
Wind = Light from the northeast

I took my niece Grace out fishing for two and a half hours tonight.  We had a great time and thus tonight's blog post is dedicated to some simple rules for getting a kid (or wife) into fishing.

1. Keep the trip short and let her decided when to leave.
2. Go to a lake that has steady action.
3. Fish do not need to be big to be fun.
4. Nothing beats watching a bobber go down.
5. Only go out when the weather is nice.
6. Hand her the rod when you get a bite.
7. Bass are pretty easy to catch and put up a tussle.
8. Go to lakes with bathrooms nearby.
Grace caught this one all by herself!
9. Snacks are important if out for any length of time.

Grace has more patience than most adults I know, but that doesn't mean I take advantage of her good nature and make her fish for what I want to catch.  Instead, we go and catch 12-16" bass and panfish under bobbers.

To be fair, going out and catching fish like the ones we caught tonight doesn't excite me when I am fishing on my own.  But watching how much fun Grace has reeling them in totally renews the experience.

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