After a long and mostly disappointing ice fishing season it was finally time to get back out on the boat...this time with a new bow mount trolling motor complete with iPilot which is pretty much the greatest fishing invention of all time.
This morning I celebrated Tim's birthday with him by landing a couple beautiful brown trout.
We started the day by the main lighthouse gap looking for lake trout, but couldn't coax any into biting, so we went and casted for browns.
I had some fish on with Gulp, one of them breaking the leader knot off...but I caught my two trout in very different ways.
My first trout bit a small fathead (we had two small fatheads that accidentally found their way into our minnow bucket) and put up a heck of a fight. After losing another fish on my other fathead, I tried using the shiners that we bought, but to no avail. I ended up catching my second trout by filleting a shiner and suspending the minnow filet a foot from the bottom.
In the end it was a fantastic day and I can't wait to get back out there next weekend.
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