Thursday, October 2, 2014

Lake Michigan - Part One of Many

On September 20th I took a charter boat out on Lake Michigan with Carly and our friends Nicole and Travis.

While it was beautiful out and we caught 7 brown trout, fishing from a charter boat just isn't the same as fishing on your own and catching them with rod in hand.

Travis is pictured here with a nice brown at about 8 pounds.  While it is a gorgeous fish and no doubt did not just submit to being caught, a combination of the planer board and the force of the moving boat made the fish feel more like a plastic bag in the water than a powerful fish.

If you are looking to hang out on a boat and have a nice time with your friends without having to do anything but reel in fish, a charter is for you...but if you want the pride of finding your own fish, and the excitement of catching them on light tackle, you may find that you will be disappointed.

That being said, I did learn a lot from our guides and I got a good feel for the Milwaukee Harbor...enough so that I will feel comfortable taking a boat out there myself.

September and October appear to be the time of year when the King Salmon are in the harbor on their way to spawning grounds.  This makes it a great time to fish from shore or from a small boat.  In the next few days, I plan to hit the harbor hard from shore, then from boat to catch some salmon on my own.

I am guessing I will not have a ton of success right away, but I am pretty sure this will be my new fishing passion.

Below is a video of the type of fishing I can't wait to learn.

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