Sunday, October 14, 2018

October 2018 Fishing Club Outing Nagawicka Lake

Took 10 members of our fishing club out on Nagawicka Lake today (October 14).  This trip was made up of 3 returning members and 7 new members.  Sports and other commitments took a lot of our returning members away today, but it was great hanging out and having fun with everyone.

It was an extremely slow day...not sure where the fish were as we tried all depths and a ton of techniques, but that is okay...we had a blast on a beautiful day.  The largest fish of the day are pictured here. 

We had some great volunteers offer their time, equipment, and boats to take these kids out, and fish or no fish, I could have stayed out all day.

This year we will be going on another soft water outing, down to the Lake Michigan lakefront where we had some good success last year and we hope to try our hand at a couple ice fishing tournaments.

My Lake Michigan Monsters

This is my person best Brown Trout.  it was caught in the summer fest lagoon on a cool March day.  I caught it on a firetiger scatter rap shad.  It measured 33" in earned me a Master Angler Award from In-Fisherman Magazine

This is my personal best King Salmon.  It was caught in September on a 3/4oz Glow Kastmaster Spoon.  Great fighting fish.  It measured 36" long. 

Summer fishing with the fam

I did a lot of fishing this summer, but much of it was in short bursts.  I did not really explore any new waters and I did not really master any new techniques, but I had a great time helping my kids catch fish and catching a few of my own.

Things I learned this summer:

  1. The Vision 110 Megabass Jerkbait is absolutely deadly when tied to anyone's rod but my own.
  2. A new spot on my favorite lake.
  3. The pond in Downtown Delafield has some surprisingly large bass in it.
  4. You need to transfer the warranty on a Lund boat right after purchase otherwise the stupid company won't honor it.
  5. Carter can name almost all Wisconsin fish and tell you which ones have teeth prohibiting him from lipping them.
  6. Rewarding Norah with a gummy worm every time she catches a fish keeps her laser focused.
  7. John is notably better at bass fishing than me now.

Pewaukee Lake Fishing Club Outing

In late May 2018 fishing club had its first "bass tournament" where we competed both for the biggest bass and the longest 5 bass. 

The team of Max, Tate, and Nick ended up edging out the team of Riley, Sam and Mark and handily defeated the team of Jackson, Aiden, and Steve.

Despite their last place finish, Aiden did take home big fish honors with an 18" largemouth caught on a red scatterrap shad that...incidentally...I had lent him.

The weather was terrible, but we had a great time.