Saturday, January 20, 2018

Carter's First Ice Fishing Trip

Today (1/20) is Carter's second birthday and it just so happened to also be an unseasonably warm day.  We had temperatures in the high 40s so it was a great day to take him out for his first ice fishing trip.  It was also Norah's second ever ice fishing trip. 

Bill and I headed out early to get everything set up, then Carly brought the kids out.  We had a flurry of activity right away, then things slowed down.  At one point we had three flags up at one time with 2 of the fish being in the 30" class.

Norah caught her first fish on a tipup (with some help) and Carter somehow jigged up and reeled in a bluegill all by himself. 

Below are the pictures of one of my favorite ever ice fishing trips.

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