Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Okauchee Lake Bass

 I am very happy to report that fish on local WI lakes finally seem to be in their summer patterns.

I took two trips out to Okauchee Lake this last week and each time caught more than 20 bass.

All the bass seem to be on the outside weed edges, with the larger ones along steep drop offs.

Of the bass we caught last week, we did not find a lot of great size (most of them in the 14-16" range)...but we were using crawlers and looking for action over size.

The next time I go out, I am going target fewer bites, but larger fish.

Either way, the fish were cooperative and we had a great time.  My niece Grace learned how to fish without a bobber and can now 1) cast a spinning reel 2) detect a bite 3) set the hook and 4) play the fish to the boat.

The next thing we are going to work on is how to know when to stop reeling and let the fish take line.  We did suffer one break off on a large fish due to this.

This picture is a good example
of why you should not have
the sun behind you while
taking a photo...oops.

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