Sunday, February 17, 2019

Waukesha West Fishing Club - February 17

Tried a new lake with the Waukesha West kids today. It snowed all day and was a fairly slow drive there and back, but it was well worth it. We didn't get a ton of flags to pop, but the ones we got were pretty awesome. Most fish were caught between 5-8ft of water.

Big thanks to the Kwaz family for all the four wheeler rides out there as walking would have been terrible.

Thank you as well to Dan Huebner for bringing a backup grill, as I forgot mine at home. It would have been devastating to have 60ish pieces of meat out on the lake and nothing to grill it on.

We took out a group of 12 kids today and it was Natalie's first time out with us. She added a great dynamic and even caught a bunch of fish.

A big shout out to Parker, who caught his first fish with the fishing club. A 34"+ plus pike.

Enjoy the photos below.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Waukesha West, North, and South Fishing Jamboree

Tuesday, February 5 we held a fishing jamboree with students from Waukesha North, South, and West High Schools. The fishing was much slower than we would have liked, but we had a simply fantastic time. 

Students from the Waukesha West Fishing Club joined Joe Jenna, Terese Mislang, Steve Kwasinski, and me as we took 14 students who had never ice fished before out for a day on the lake. When you add in the students and adults from the other schools, we had about 100 people out on the ice. 

The kids played hockey, did some ice bowling, ate some food, goofed around, and learned about fishing. Admittedly for some, the highlight was probably riding in the sled behind a four wheeler. 

We got to work with Jim O'Brien from Dancing with Walleyes guide service, and filmed a show with Outdoor Wisconsin.  

Some local businesses showed us some love as we enjoyed food from Roberts Speciality Meats, bait and equipment from Dick Smith's Bait and Tackle, jigging rods from 13Fishing,  and new tip up gadgets from Vulture Systems. 

While he often finds himself on the sidelines when fish are being caught, I also have to thank our parent volunteer Dan Huebner for his incredible generosity in the form of his time and tackle. He is a one man sporting goods department and is wonderful with our students. 

Please scroll through the images below, look at the smiles, and appreciate one of the many new experiences kids can have at our public high schools.